If you don't give up, things will work out - Shihan Yasuhiko Oyama.
Beat the inner opponent and the outer one will be easy.
Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield - train hard, fight easy.
Train first, talk later - Sensei Andre Bertel.
It is the daily effort that counts, no matter how small - even just one kata or some push ups. Even five minutes a day will lead to marked progress.
Once you set any goal, work backwards and subdivide it into short, medium and longer term goals. If you have six months to achieve an objective, set six one month goals, and then subdivide these into weekly and even daily microcycles. Start with very simple and readily achievable targets and build up from there. Setting goals in this manner is the "stairway to success". Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. - specific, measurable, realisitic and in to be achieved in a given time frame.
Superficial goals lead to superficial results - Attila the Hun.
Success is a matter of setting one goal at a time and gradually progressing by raising the bar. Plans will never come true by talking or thinking about them without making effort and taking action. Do a little each day and you will reach your goal - Joko Ninomiya.

A warrior never wants to look back and think that they could have done more or that the reason for defeat was not being properly physically prepared - Training for Warriors.
Whenever you meet difficult situations, dash forward bravely and joyfully - Hagakure, the book of the Samurai.
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop - Confucius. Go to the battlefield firmly confident of victory and you wil come home with no wounds whatsoever - Samurai General Kenshin Uesugi.
Fall down seven times, get up eight - Traditional Japanese proverb.
Defeat is simply a state of mind...it simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing, it is only temporary and is a path leading success and truth - Bruce Lee.
When in the dojo, leave your ego at the door. It's not a humilitation to be beaten, it's a learning opportunity.
True victory is victory over oneself - Morihei Ueshiba.
Identifying your weaknesses and then becoming great at them so they become your strengths is the key to both physical and personal growth - Training for warriors.
The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is that little extra.
Bujutsu is everything in Karate. You die or I die. This is the samurai spirit and the base of Zen in the Japanese martial arts - Asai Sensei, in his final interview, conducted by Sensei Andre Bertel.
The secret of martial success? Just train, there is no other way - Masutatsu Oyama.
Go, eat well, exercise well, sleep well. You will become strong, physically and mentally and then you wont need to worry about these things - Swami Vivenkenda.
Pain is just weakness leaving the body.

To practice kata is not to memorize an order. You must find the kata that work for you, understand them, digest them and stick with them for life. - O-Sensei Gichin Funakoshi.
Karate teaches that the real enemy lies within.
Get interested in the pursuit, not just the possession.
The race, not just the goal.
Effort is everything.
- Chotoku Kyan.
Karate is about discipline and the first discipline is showing up for class.
The more you dislike competing, the more it will give you.
Two techniques learned is better than twenty forgotten.
A week has 168 hours. If 6 or 8 of those go into Karate, don't waste them on not doing your absolute best.
The pain will pass but the experience will last.
It is not possible to become a great martial artisit without an education. The serious Karateka should study anatomy and physiology, grappling, swordsmanship, archery and strategic tactics, etc. Cross training and study must balance your training in order to understand the way. - O-Sensei Gichin Funakoshi.
One who truly understands the art of Karate-Do is never easily drawn into a fight. - O-Sensei Gichin Funakoshi.
Seek perfection of character. Be faithful. Endeavour. Respect others. Refrain from violent behaviour. - O-Sensei Gichin Funakoshi.
If any members have a favourite quote that they think would be good here, be sure to let us know and we will add it to this (ever growning!) list of martial wisdom. OSU!